Saturday, January 24, 2009

show parser dump command

Handy tip from Cisco TAC - if you've ever wanted to generate a command guide for your router, you can use the show parser dump command. Just type show parser dump <mode> where <mode> is the config mode of the router you'd like to see. For example:

CAT3550#show parser dump interface
Mode Name :interface

0 exit
0 help
15 description
15 switchport access vlan Number
15 switchport access vlan dynamic
15 switchport host
15 switchport mode access
15 switchport mode trunk
15 switchport mode dynamic auto
15 switchport mode dynamic desirable
15 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
15 switchport trunk allowed vlan add
15 switchport trunk allowed vlan remove
15 switchport trunk allowed vlan except
15 switchport trunk allowed vlan all
15 switchport trunk allowed vlan none
15 switchport trunk allowed vlan
15 switchport trunk encapsulation isl
15 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
15 switchport trunk encapsulation negotiate

Generates a list of all commands from interface configuration mode. You can even see all the sub-commands and syntax description by typing show parser dump <mode> extend.

For further reference kindly refer the below URL:

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