Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Some more handy "show" commands for CCIE Lab students...hmmm... actually for everyone to know

So here are some quick tips from real world prospective which will definitely save up your time in production networks before you start scratching your head 

1. Here is a quick tip about alias...we all know how to configure that, personally I don't use that at all but some guys prefer it....anyways keep in mind next time you just create an Alias is if you type an alias and type space after it before hitting's not gonna work like other commands does...let me make it a bit more clear to understand...lets say for demo I am counting * as a space character and my alias is say DEEPAK for sh version

now if I type Router#DEEPAK* and hit will not work but if I type Router#DEEPAK and hit will work just fine...but this space after command does work for all normal commands and doesn't make difference in execution of it like Router#sh version* or Router#sh ver.....both will display same output and will actually work.

2. Few handy show commands for those who are aiming for CCIE R&S lab like me ...basically this helps you see what exactly you wanna see like I love 

"sh ip int br | i up"

"sh ip int br | e unassigned"

"sh ver | i IOS"

and one special switching command: switch#sh ver | i Base

and here is the killer command that I just figured out today after beating my head against the wall to figure out the correct syntax...actually took me quite a few minutes before figuring it out...but finally got it rightly :)

"sh ip int br | e unassigned|down"

Deepak Arora

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