Monday, July 22, 2013

FCoE - (Storage Series Part-10) Final

Fibre Channel Over Ethernet

- Unified Fabric = Unified Wire = Converged Ethernet = Data Center Ethernet = Data Center Bridging

- In unified fabric  - Ethernet & Fibre channel both run on common infrastructure

- FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP) is control plane protocol for FCoE running between Initiator & FCOE Switch/FCoE   Forwarder(FCF)

- ENode in FCoE = N port in FC

- Virtual Fibre Channel (VFC) interface is logical interface mapped with physical interfaces. FIP Runs between ENode &   VFC using P2P Adjacency

- Virtual Port Types in FCOE

 > VN Port = N Port in FC
 > VF Port = F Port in FC
 > VE Port = E Port in FC < Used in Multi Hop FCOE
 > VTE Port = TE Port in FC

- FCoE replaces layer 1 & layer 2 tranport for FC but all upper layer FC services remains same like Zoning, Domain IDs,   FSPF, FLOGI, FCNS etc

- FIP is control place of FCoE and FCoE itself is the actual data plane


- FIP has new Ether Type as 0x8914

- FIP is used to discover FCFs and perform FLOGI


- New Ethertype 0x8906

- Max length of 2240 bytes which implies jumbo frames are required

# FCoE Addressing

- Fibre Channel uses 3 bytes FCIDs

- Ethernet uses 6 byte MAC Addresses

- FCoE ENode gets a Fabric Provided MAC Address (FPMA) for FCoE

- During FIP, ENode is assigned a 3 byte FCID

- FLOGI now is part of FIP

- FCF is configured with a 3 byte FCoE MAC Address Prefix (FC-MAP)

- ENode appends FC-MAP to FCID

- 3 byte FC-MAP + 3 byte FCID = FPMA

# Configuring FCOE

- feature fcoe < Feature FCOE can only be enabled from Admin VDC in Nexus 7k
- feature lldp

- Create a VSAN

vsan database
 vsan 1010
 vsan 1010 interface fc1/10

- Associate VSAN to a VLAN

vlan 1010
 fcoe vlan 1010

- Configure a VFC
- Associate Physical Ethernet to a VFC

int vfc117
 bind interface e1/17
 switchport trunk allowed vsan 1010

- Assign VFC to the VSAN

vsan database
 vsan 1010 interface vfc117

- Configure physical ethernet as a trunk

int e1/17
 switchport mode trunk
 spanning-tree port type edge trunk
 switchport trunk native vlan 10
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 ,1010

- Activate Interfaces

int vfc117
 no shut

int e1/17
 no shut

sh int vfc117 < Look for trunking & VSAN should be up

sh fcoe database

Nexus 5k doesn't support AL (Arbitrated Loop) topology

sh system internal dcbx info interface e1/17

> Look for DCX Protocol where CEE means Gen2 or Gen2+ CNA and anything else like CIN means Gen1 CNA

FCOE traffic is marked with COS-3 by default

SAN gets 50% of BW incase of congestion and rest 50% is reserved for LAN

sh int fcoe

Further Readings:

Deepak Arora

Friday, July 12, 2013

L2TPv3 Interworking - L2 VPN Saga Continues...

R8#sh ip int b | e una|do
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
FastEthernet0/0          YES NVRAM  up                    up
Loopback0                 YES NVRAM  up                    up

R8#sh run | s r o
router ospf 1
 network area 0

R9#sh ip int b | e una|do
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
Serial1/0                YES NVRAM  up                    up
Loopback0                 YES NVRAM  up                    up

R9#sh run | s r o
router ospf 1
 network area 0

R9#sh run int s1/0
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 132 bytes
interface Serial1/0
 ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 ip ospf network broadcast

 serial restart-delay 0

R2#sh ip int b | e una|do
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
FastEthernet0/0          YES NVRAM  up                    up
FastEthernet0/1          YES NVRAM  up                    up
Loopback0                 YES NVRAM  up                    up

R2#sh run | s r e
router eigrp 100
 no auto-summary

R2#sh ip ro e is subnetted, 1 subnets
D [90/409600] via, 00:10:30, FastEthernet0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
D [90/409600] via, 00:10:10, FastEthernet0/1

R2#sh mpls forwarding
Tag switching is not operational.
CEF or tag switching has not been enabled.
No TFIB currently allocated.

R1#sh run | s pseudo
pseudowire-class L2TPv3
 encapsulation l2tpv3
 interworking ip
 ip local interface Loopback0

R1#sh run int f2/1
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 124 bytes
interface FastEthernet2/1
 no ip address
 speed auto
 duplex auto
 no keepalive
 xconnect 13 pw-class L2TPv3

R3#sh run | s pseudo
pseudowire-class L2TPv3
 encapsulation l2tpv3
 interworking ip
 ip local interface Loopback0

R3#sh run int s1/1
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 122 bytes
interface Serial1/1
 no ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 serial restart-delay 0
 xconnect 13 pw-class L2TPv3

R8#sh ip ospf nei

Neighbor ID     Pri   State           Dead Time   Address         Interface           1   FULL/DR         00:00:37        FastEthernet0/0

R8#sh ip ro os is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/11] via, 00:13:00, FastEthernet0/0

R8#ping so lo0

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 88/120/180 ms

R1#sh l2tp tunnel all

L2TP Tunnel Information Total tunnels 1 sessions 1

Tunnel id 1100418086 is up, remote id is 2518749472, 1 active sessions
  Remotely initiated tunnel
  Tunnel state is established, time since change 00:14:48
  Tunnel transport is IP  (115)
  Remote tunnel name is R3
    Internet Address, port 0
  Local tunnel name is R1
    Internet Address, port 0
  L2TP class for tunnel is l2tp_default_class
  Counters, taking last clear into account:
    111 packets sent, 107 received
    9008 bytes sent, 8752 received
    Last clearing of counters never
  Counters, ignoring last clear:
    111 packets sent, 107 received
    9008 bytes sent, 8752 received
  Control Ns 9, Nr 13
  Local RWS 1024 (default), Remote RWS 1024
  Control channel Congestion Control is disabled
  Tunnel PMTU checking disabled
  Retransmission time 1, max 1 seconds
  Unsent queuesize 0, max 0
  Resend queuesize 0, max 1
  Total resends 0, ZLB ACKs sent 11
  Total out-of-order dropped pkts 0
  Total out-of-order reorder pkts 0
  Total peer authentication failures 0
  Current no session pak queue check 0 of 5
  Retransmit time distribution: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Control message authentication is disabled

R1#sh l2tun session all

L2TP Session Information Total tunnels 1 sessions 1

Session id 3278375310 is up, logical session id 65537, tunnel id 1100418086
  Remote session id is 1558878854, remote tunnel id 2518749472
  Remotely initiated session
  Unique ID is 1
Session Layer 2 circuit, type is Ethernet, name is FastEthernet2/1
  Session vcid is 13
  Interworking type is IP
  Circuit state is UP

    Local circuit state is UP
    Remote circuit state is UP

Call serial number is 1168000001
Remote tunnel name is R3
  Internet address is
Local tunnel name is R1
  Internet address is
IP protocol 115
  Session is L2TP signaled

  Session state is established, time since change 00:15:43
    117 Packets sent, 113 received
    9488 Bytes sent, 9232 received
  Last clearing of counters never
  Counters, ignoring last clear:
    117 Packets sent, 113 received
    9488 Bytes sent, 9232 received
    Receive packets dropped:
      out-of-order:             0
      other:                    0
      total:                    0
    Send packets dropped:
      exceeded session MTU:     0
      other:                    0
      total:                    0
  DF bit off, ToS reflect disabled, ToS value 0, TTL value 255
  Sending UDP checksums are disabled
  Received UDP checksums are verified
  No session cookie information available
  FS cached header information:
    encap size = 24 bytes
    45000014 00000000 ff73b36f 01010101
    03030303 5cea9a86
  Sequencing is off
  Conditional debugging is disabled
  SSM switch id is 4096, SSM segment id is 8193

 Final Config - 

Further Readings:

Deepak Arora

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

NPV & NPIV - (Storage Series Part-9)

Node Port Virtualization & Node Port ID Virtualization (NPV & NPIV)

- FCID is a 3 byte field with Domain ID as first byte

- Fibre Channel forwarding is based on FCID

- Domain ID is used to identify the Switch in the Fabric's SPT

- It implies that hard limit of switches per fabric is 256

- Some IDs are reserved so only 239 are usable but Qualified limit by OSMs 
   (Original Storage Manufacturer) is approx 50

- NPV fixes the Domain ID problem by removing the need for a switch to participate in Fabric Services
  > I.e. no FSPF, FCNS, Zoning etc

- Switches running NPV appears to the rest of the fabric as an end host I.e. a Node Port (N_Port)

- Upstream facing link on the NPV switch is called NP_Port AKA Proxy Node Port

FC Switch/NPV Core Swith (F_Port)----------(NP_Port) NPV Switch (F_Port)----------(N_Port) Initiator

- Switch upstream of NPV switch is the NPV core switch

- NPV Core switch runs NPIV

- NPIV allows multiple FLOGIs and FCID assignments on its F Port facing downstream


NPV/NPIV Configuration

- Enable NPV on NPV Switch (Downstream Switch)

 > feature fcoe
 > feature npv

# After enabling feature NPV,Switch would require reload. Also most of older config 
   including Data Plane will be erased

# On 5500 UP, reallocate ports as FC after first reload which would again require second reload

- Now configure NP Ports on NPV Switch

 > switchport mode np

- Configure F Ports on NPV Switch (Facing Initiator) / NPIV Switch (Facing NPV Switch)

 > switchport mode f

- ENable NPIV on the Core Swith

 > feature npiv

# sh npv flogi-table ( To check Initiators flogi on NPV Switch )

# sh npv external-interface-usage (To check F port to NP Port Mapping on NPV SW to 
   verify static pinning distribution)

- Zoning to be configured on NPIV Switch

Deepak Arora

Sunday, July 7, 2013

FCIP - (Storage Series Part-8)

Fiber Channel Over IP (FCIP)

- SCSI over FCP over TCP over IP

- Same protocol stack as fiber channel

- Initiator and Targets are still Native FC (or FCOE)

- Used for FC SAN Extension like SAN replication over DCI (Data Center Interconnect), 
   for example running FCIP over OTV will be - SCSI over FCP over TCP over IP over 
   Ethernet over MPLS over GRE over IP over Ethernet


MDS FCIP Gateway Configuration

- Configure normal FC to initiators & targets

- Configure IP Connectivity between MDSes

- Configure FCIP Tunnel

- FCIP tunnel now counts as a TE port

_ Normal FC Switching design now applies

- FCIP only supported on MDS

FCIP Configuration Example

feature fcip
fcip profile 10
 ip add
inteface fcip 12
 use-profile 10
 peer-info ipadd
 no shut

sh fcip summary

sh int fcip 12 brief

sh int fcip12 trunk vsan

sh fcip profile

Deepak Arora

iSCSI - (Storage Series Part-7)

+ iSCSI ( Internet Small Computer System Interface )

- Completely separate protocol stack from Fibre channel

- Typically used in small to mid range SANs

- No dedicated SAN switches required which implies no SAN switching knowledge required

- 1/10 GigE iSCSI hardware offload cards available

- End host/Storage Array just runs IP

- Transport supports IP and can be of any IP Transport type like Ethernet, Frame Relay or Token Ring

- MDS is an iSCSI to FC Gateway, so MDS is a translational bridge for Fiber Channel & iSCSI


+ iSCSI Gateway Operation

- FC Targets FLOGI to FC Fabric

- iSCSI initiators send Discovery to MDS using Ethernet for example

- MDS applies zoning/Access Lists

- iSCSI initiator things FC target is iSCSI target 

- FC Target thinks iSCSI initiator is a FC initiator


+ MDS iSCSI Gateway Configuration Steps

- Configure FC to Targets

- Configure IP to Initiators

- Enable iSCSI

- Configure ZONING/ Access Control

- Point Server at MDS's IP Address


+ Access Control in iSCSI

- Access Control can be enforced as Zoning based upon :

> pwwn, fcid, alias

> Initiator's IP Address

> Initiator's iSCSI qualified name (IQN),IQNs are generated automatically by initiator
    but can be configured manually.

> iSCI based virtual target to present LUN based on IQN or IP Address/Subnet


sh int fc1/20 trunk vsan

feature iscsi
iscsi enable module 1

int iscsi 1/1
 no sh
inc iscsi 1/2
 no sh

iscsi import target fc

sh iscsi global

sh iscsi initiator

Deepak Arora

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Enhanced Zoning - (Storage Series Part-6)

FC Aliases

- FC Aliases gives user friendly names to the WWNs, FCIDs etc and are analogous to DNS in IP

- Syntex - fcalias name

- Alias can be advertised through Zoneset distribution. Syntex - zoneset distribute vsan 1

- Example:

 fcalias name ABC vsan 30
 member pwwn

- Verification: sh fcalias

- Creating zone and Zoneset using ALIAS:

 zone name ABC vsan 30
 member fcalias DISK1
 member fcalias DISK2
 member fcalias DISK3
 member fcalias SERVER

 zoneset name XYZ vsan 30
 member ABC

zoneset activate name XYZ vsan 30


Basic Vs Enhanced Zoning

- By default the full zoneset is local and the active zoneset is fabric-wide

- Order of operations errors can corrupt the Active Zoneset

- Enchanced zoning prevents this by Locking the fabric which ensures people don't 

   accidentally overwrite each other

- Enhanced Zoning works on per VSAN basis

- The lock on zone is released by "committing" the zoneset

- But if Admin forgets to commit, someone else can release lock as well with 

   "clear zone lock vsan "

- Enabling Enhanced Zoning

> zone mode enhanced vsan < Per VSAN Basis

> system default zone mode enhanced < For Entire System

- Configuring Enhanced Zoning doesn't change anything for regular FCALIAS and
   they still remain local by default

- To solve this problem solution is "Device Aliases"

- Device Aliases serves the same purpose as FC Aliases by binding PWWNs to a user 

   friendly name but the difference 

 is that the binding is advertised to the fabric and doesn't remain local only

- Configured as device-alias database

- Changing the zoning mode from normal to enhanced is not disruptive

- Device aliases are advertised through CFS so should not be used in multi vendor environment

+ Configured as "device-alias database"

+ device-alias commit


device-alias database
 device-alias name ABC_Server pwwn
 device-alias name XYZ_Disk1 pwwn
 device-alias name XYZ_Disk2 pwwn
 device-alias name XYZ_Disk3 pwwn
 device-alias commit

show device-alias database

zone name ABC vsan
 member device-alias ABC_Server
 member device-alias XYZ_Disk1
 member device-alias XYZ_Disk2

zoneset name XYZ vsan
 member ABC

zoneset activate name XYZ vsan

sh zoneset pending

zone commit vsan

sh zone active

"sh port-resource module " shows port grouping on MDS 

  (shared vs dedicaed mode), in 5k all ports are in dedicated mode by default.

Deepak Arora