Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Surprise :)

Candidate: Deepak Arora
Exam: 350-029: CCIE Service Provider written
Language: English
Test Center: Multirede Consultoria e Formacao, LDA
Appointment: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 / Start Time: 4:00 PM
Appointment Number: 233573281
Date/Time Appointment Created: Thu, 31 Dec 2009, at 10:44 AM GMT
Exam Total: $US 350.00
Tax: $US 0.00
Amount Paid: $US 350.00
**** **** **** 6627
Order Number: 0002-7884-8976

I'll post the reason too behind this mind change in coming year :)

Happy new year and stay tunned...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

CCDE Exam Simulation From CISCO - Some Scientist Stuff :)

Couple of days back one of my friend sent me this link of CCDE exam simulation. The simulation is basically demonstration of CCDE practical lab exam, shows so many things like question pattern, tools available etc...hmmm...Scientist stuff for me :)

While doing some search, I came across a website

These guys or I should say Radu is the guy which is the instructor for the class. He was the second person after Ryan who passed the CCDE practical exam. I wish someday I will attend this bootcamp :)

Anyways...they have presented some nice demo too on their website.

Best regards,
Deepak Arora

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

IP SLA Basic Operation - It's really not that evil :) I am ...with probably my last Tech post for year 2009...hmmm...somethings were good about this year and some were quite bad...good part was my new job...bad part was local traffic in this country and of course my Malaria infection around July this year...but in total...all is well that ends well :)

So today I am gonna show some IP SLA basics...which still looks like evil stuff to many more Network Engineers out there...My personal experience is it's neither easy nor that tough...The reason I said this because most of the IP SLA configurations are straight forward...but due to it's so many features and tools inside this cool IOS tool...sometimes it takes time to figure out what is going around...

One more thing I would like to mention before diving into configuration is that IP SLA (Service Level Agreement) was also called as SAA (Service Assurance Agent) and RTR (Response Time Reporter) in older IOS versions my scenario we are running HSRP between R1 and R2 with virtual ip as is the active router here with tracking enabled for it's Ethernet interface Fa1/ the problem with this scenario is if Ethernet interface of R3 Fa1/0 goes down...we will loose reachability to R4...but the interesting thing is than R2 will remain as Active router for HSRP instance...that's because R2's interface Fa1/0 will remain up because it's a Ethernet interface.So R1 will never take over the load....and we will end up with big mess in our network :(

So let's put IP SLA in action to fix this issue...we will use IP SLA to track reachability to R3's ethernet interface...the IP SLA instance will keep tracking this reachability and the moment it will loose will decrement the HSRP priority for the current router by defined factor....So here is the sample config...

ip sla monitor 1
 type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho
 timeout 300
 frequency 1
ip sla monitor schedule 1 life forever start-time now

track 1 rtr 1 reachability

interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
 standby 1 ip
 standby 1 priority 105
 standby 1 preempt
 standby 1 track 1 decrement 50

router ospf 1
 passive-interface FastEthernet0/0
 network area 0

So happy new year in advance to all of you

Best Regards,
Deepak Arora
CCIE#XXXXX...Oops that number is still missing :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Some Interesting Issues With Solarwind Free TFTP Server

Recently I encountered a IOS upgrade issue. I was trying to upgrade my 3800 Series ISR router. I was using SolarWind Free TFTP Server. But when ever I tried to kicked up the IOS upgradation process I was keep ending up with the error mentioned above.

Everything was fine including L1, L2 and L3 connectivity.

As I was quite sure I was doing it rightly (Actually After couple of months I was performing some IOS upgradation :) ), so I thought to switch over to Cisco's own TFTP server and give it a try....and guys!!! worked for me :)

So funny IOS issue indeed.

Deepak Arora
CCIE#XXXXX...Oops that number is still missing :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

RIP sends Updates with TTL of 2

From my past studies I always thought that Routing Protocol updates are of Link Local scope in nature and have a TTL value of 1 without caring about that it will be using some multicast address or broadcast address for sending this out.

But things got changed when some friend from Cisco TAC told me that the TTL value for RIP update packet is 2, And I was like...........ahhh MAN...Is it ?

So finally I decided to lab this up by using GNS. I captured some RIP update packets using GNS capture feature and's true...however this can not be seen in #debug ip rip output

Just take a look at the packet  :)

Best Regards,
Deepak Arora

CCIE#XXXXX....Oops that number is still missing ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Some More Video Tutorials From NIL

Small remote site using BGP as PE-CE routing 

Small site using BGP on two uplinks

Simple BGP troubleshooting

Free Video Tutorials - Private VLANs & L2 Port Security

All Cisco TV Episodes

More CCIE Labs - Free CCIE Prep Stuff From Tripple CCIE Narbik K

CCIE Full Scale Multiprotocol Lab Ver 4.0 - Free Lab From INE

Mastering DOC CD for CCIE R&S - Video Tutorial From INE

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

IPV6 Downloadble Video Training

So while doing some web search yesterday I found some nice and exiting videos on IPv6 and Internet Routing. And the best part is these are downloadable and free :)