Wednesday, July 15, 2009

India's Missile Woman

This is the first non technical post on my blog but I couldn't stop myself about this news. This shows Indian people can rival any one in world when it comes to technology.

Deepak Aror

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fixing ASDM Error - Unconnected Sockets Not Implemented

Yesterday when I tried to access my ASA 5520 box using ASDM, I got an error " Unconnected Sockets Not Implemented". Initially I thought It could be because of some ASDM access permission configured on ASA. But everything was fine with the configuration. I spent quite some time but didn't find any clue about how to fix this issue and what could be the possible cause.

Finally I downgraded my Java version because I knew that ASDM uses JRE and recently I upgraded my JRE. So after making downgrade I was able to access the ASDM. It seems like some JRE versions are not compatible with Latest ASDM version 6.x

Deepak Arora

Free CCIE vLecture Seminar Series - IP Expert

Deepak Arora

Worm Mitigation Technical Details

Deepak Arora